Thursday, September 26, 2019

Slip Sliding Away Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Slip Sliding Away - Assignment Example These issues are equally important because ethics underlies any kind of good behavior that the society may require. It is therefore equally important to consider teaching the students ethical behaviors before any other thing. 3. The instructors or the administration should ensure that the students are trained on how to engage in ethical behaviors. The instructors should train the students on steps to take if they want to be good. It will require participatory learning and application of personal examples. As such, the students should be encouraged to apply real-life examples or experiences as they try to learn the steps towards ethical behavior. The instructors and the administration are advised to stop assuming the problem and take action. There must be a need to inform the students of the seriousness of the problem and the schools must set guidelines on how the instructors should conduct exams. 1. The last two paragraphs in this essay form a successful conclusion of the writer’s argument. The writer started with introducing his argument by using relevant examples. He gave a long history of Haiti using relevant historical occurrences as the examples for his argument. Therefore, the writer has effectively used the technique of inference from relevant examples to build his argument. He introduces the nature of the problem he wants to discuss first and follows it with a long narration of these relevant examples in a clear and logical manner. The second last paragraph summarizes his argument as he brought it out in his examples. He restates his main point and argues it out in summary. This paragraph also gives an alternative solution to the Haiti, thus it becomes a very important part of the essay in that instead of just arguing against an idea, the writer also gives his point of view of what can be a better approach to Haiti’s problems.  

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